Creating a menu

You can define your menus in your desired file / class, as long as it is autoload by composer.

To create a menu, simply call the create method from Menu facade. The first parameter is the menu name and the second parameter is callback for defining menu items.

Menu::create('navbar', function($menu) {
    // define your menu items here

As explained before, we can defining menu item in the callback by accessing $menu variable, which the variable is instance of Nwidart\Menus\MenuBuilder class.

To defining a plain URL, you can use ->url() method.

Menu::create('navbar', function($menu) {
    // URL, Title, Attributes
    $menu->url('home', 'Home', ['target' => 'blank']);

If you have named route, you define the menu item by calling ->route() method.

Menu::create('navbar', function($menu) {
        '', // route name
        'View Profile', // title
        ['id' => 1], // route parameters
        ['target' => 'blank'] // attributes

You can also defining the menu item via array by calling ->add() method.

Menu::create('navbar', function($menu) {
        'url' => 'about',
        'title' => 'About',
        'attributes' => [
            'target' => '_blank'

        'route' => ['profile', ['user' => 'nwidart']],
        'title' => 'Visit My Profile',
        'attributes' => [
            'target' => '_blank'

To create a dropdown menu, you can call to ->dropdown() method and passing the first parameter by title of dropdown and the second parameter by closure callback that retrieve $sub variable. The $sub variable is the the instance of Nwidart\Menus\MenuItem class.

Menu::create('navbar', function($menu) {
    $menu->url('/', 'Home');
    $menu->dropdown('Settings', function ($sub) {
        $sub->url('settings/account', 'Account');
        $sub->url('settings/password', 'Password');
        $sub->url('settings/design', 'Design');

You can also create a dropdown inside dropdown by using ->dropdown() method. This will allow to to create a multilevel menu items.

Menu::create('navbar', function($menu) {
    $menu->url('/', 'Home');
    $menu->dropdown('Account', function ($sub) {
        $sub->url('profile', 'Visit My Profile');
        $sub->dropdown('Settings', function ($sub) {
            $sub->url('settings/account', 'Account');
            $sub->url('settings/password', 'Password');
            $sub->url('settings/design', 'Design');
        $sub->url('logout', 'Logout');

You may also define a divider for each menu item. You can divide between menu item by using ->divider() method.

Menu::create('navbar', function($menu) {
    $menu->url('/', 'Home');
    $menu->url('profile', 'Profile')

You may also add a dropdown header for the specified menu item by using ->header() method.

Menu::create('navbar', function($menu) {
    $menu->url('/', 'Home')
    $menu->dropdown('Settings', function ($sub) {
        $sub->url('/settings/design', 'Design');
        $sub->url('logout', 'Logout');

Ordering Menu Item

You may order the menu by specify order parameter.

Menu::create('navbar', function($menu) {
    $menu->url('/', 'Home', 1);
    $menu->route('/', 'About', ['user' => '1'], 2);
    $menu->dropdown('Settings', function ($sub) {
        $sub->url('/settings/design', 'Design');
        $sub->url('logout', 'Logout');
    }, 3);

You may also set the order value by calling ->order method.

Menu::create('navbar', function($menu) {
    $menu->url('/', 'Home', ['icon' => 'fa fa-dashboard'])->order(1);
    $menu->route('/', 'About', ['user' => '1'], ['icon' => 'fa fa-user'])->order(2);
    $menu->dropdown('Settings', function ($sub) {
        $sub->url('/settings/design', 'Design');
        $sub->url('logout', 'Logout');

By default ordering feature is disabled. You can enable the ordering feature in your config file. Just update value of ordering config to true and now your menu will ordered by order key.

return [
	'ordering' => true

You may also enable or disable menu ordering for each menu via ->enableOrdering and ->disableOrdering method.

Menu::create('navbar', function($menu) {
    // disable menu ordering

    // disable menu ordering

Make multiple menus

You can also create a set of menus with different name and menu items.

Menu::create('menu1', function($menu) {
	$menu->route('home', 'Home');
    $menu->url('profile', 'Profile');

Menu::create('menu2', function($menu) {
    $menu->route('home', 'Home');
    $menu->url('profile', 'Profile');